I just started using the Foundation Framework

It has been over one year since I first really got into using WordPress. I attended WordCamp 2014 and was hooked. Since then I have been keeping a few existing WordPress sites updated and learning as much as I can. The company I contract work to just purchased seven new domains and each needed to be a WordPress site. I have also started a few other WordPress sites for some non-profits. I thought it would be beneficial if I could learn how to create my own version of a starter theme so that I could make some updates to existing sites or create new themes dedicated to those sites as required. I tried a few frameworks but finally settled on using _s (underscores.me) and Foundation. The final kick in the butt was a brief tour of _s and Foundation during one of the sessions in WordCamp 2015 and a couple other videos online.

Check out my version of a starter them in my WordPress directory.


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