Category: Ramblings

Home Inspections

Back in April of 2015, I had been watching a great series called Holmes Inspection. I believe this was on Netflix at the time. This really got me thinking about the potential of home ownership and the pitfalls of not finding and having a “Proper” home inspection done. From the get-go, if at all possible

Turn Based Games are Fun

I am not much of a gamer. Mostly, I play chess and sim type games that do not have much online interaction with other people. I am a loner for the most part and don’t want to get involved in long chats with people I don’t know. I rather sit with friends face to face,

Rethinking how I do my job

I think I created far too much work for myself over the last few years and I found that I was not keeping it organized. I have since changed how I do a few things in my life and now it’s time to concentrate of some of my sites again. Most of what I have

Small dog and antibiotics

Updated 5/4/2016: See below My son went into the Navy, so I know have his small dog. I love the little thing, even though I really prefer larger dogs. Well, she was still in need of a spay so I took her to the vet. Afterwards, they put her on antibiotics and some pain meds.

Let’s see where this goes

So, I have been very busy lately with my second job and also taking a class on full stack web development on The problem, is I have far too many ideas in my head and no real direction to speak of. I do not have one topic that I am good at, but many