We lost our brother PappaX
The weekend started off very well. A large group of us from the Solomons Sevens chapter of Widows Sons planned to head to DC to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown. This was the July 5th – July 8th 2019 ride.
Some of the group went early to DC to watch the fireworks on July 4th. However, due to mechanical difficulties the group did not make it on time. But this was OK, as they rode together and had a great time. PappaX was in this group. I saw many of the photos that were taken that day, and the group was happy, despite the rain and number of stops along the way.
The rest of us rode up Friday morning. It was a very pleasant ride, and we did hit a batch of heavy rain along the way. But for the most part, it was sunny and truly a good ride. We all made it to Rockville MD at the hotel as planned, and had a gathering starting about 8pm to discuss the upcoming days events and share a little group time hanging by the bikes and drinking a few beers.
One of our prospective members joined us for the weekend as well. And between Klown and PappaX, they had this guy running. He has a strong will to become a Master Mason and become a member of our chapter of Widows Sons, and he took the “probe” moniker in stride. He made sure that everyone had a good time, and especially made sure both Klown and PappaX had a beer in hand at all times. He will be a great addition to our lodge.
We all headed out to DC to visit Fords Theatre and then over to the Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite House of the Temple. The tours were great and everyone had a great time. There may have been a little grumbling about Albert Pikes wishes not being adhered to, but overall there were smiles on our faces. Likely because, we were all together sharing this moment.
We headed out in various groupings to go out to dinner. Not everyone wanted to eat at the same places, which is OK, as many of us have been to DC in the past and some wanted to try something different. However, this is where the tragedy begins.
Maryland drivers are very aggressive. There are some that seem to have no care in the world except for where they want to be. And to top it off, there are many people out there that just don’t like to go around large groupings of motorcycles.
A group was on the 270 near Shady Grove, very close to the hotel. PappaX was in the back of the group and started to move over to the right to head off the freeway. Usually, the last person in the group moves over first so that the rest of the group can then move over. This is standard practice for motorcycle group rides. What was not realized, a vehicle trying to make their way from the far left all the way to the right to get off at the same exit. The vehicle swerved right in front of PappaX and caused him to ride off the side into the gravel section of the road. He started to loose control. His wife fell off the back first, and then he ended crashing into the guard rail and a couple street signs. He was pronounced DEAD at the scene. Many in the group did what they could to stabilize him, as one was a Nurse. But he was already gone.
It was truly a very sad evening, and caught many of us off guard. But we stuck together that evening. Comforted each other and did what needed to be done to contact family first, and then the rest of the chapter by personal phone calls.
The next day, with sad hearts, we chose to continue with our plans to lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown. We did it in honor of PappaX as he would have wished it that way. It was a very somber moment, and not a dry eye was in the crowd.
Later, we took a group photo at the back of the Tomb and someone photoshopped an image of PappaX into the scene. It was a beautiful photo and will be remembered by us all. The current rendition of the photo has included two other riders that we have lost most recently, Tim and Jim.

Long live the memory of PappaX! May you ride to those Pearly Gates in style!