WordPress Theme development process – Beginner, Part 4 (Topic List)

Topic List

Topic ListWhen we first start our blogs, for the most part we still do not know what we really want to talk about. Planning ideas on topics should really happen prior to starting the blog or well in the beginning stages. It is far too easy to get into a state of confusion and disarray, unless we step back and do at least a minimal amount of planning.

General Steps

Here are the steps to follow along in the series.

  1. Overview – describe  the purpose
  2. Local development – Set up development server with DesktopServer Limited (free version)
  3. Identify user – and problem I am attempting to solve for them
  4. Topic list – Categorize list of needs of users and topics of discussion
  5. Research similar sites – and analyze how they answer the user’s needs
  6. Create storyboards – or sitemaps for different posts and pages.
  7. Sketch on paper various page layouts, first in mobile view and then on up to desktop
  8. Determine extra functionalities needed and possible plugins that could be utilized
  9. Create page/post templates
  10. Test, Test, and Test some more
  11. Upload to a live site

Flush Out Topic Ideas

This can be a fun part of the planning stage. I listen to a blog about “Smart Passive Income” by Pat Flynn and many times either he or his guests will convey the need to plan and research out your topics. One guest suggested creating a little idea box, when every time you have an idea pop up in your head immediately write down a brief statement on the topic and place it into a box. Either way, the goal is to write out as many ideas of topics you find interesting and then see if you come up with a common theme. This process should take you longer than one week, only because you should really spend some time on this procedure. Save these ideas somewhere as you will find that later on you might start to have “Writers Block” and returning to the idea box occasionally should help give you some ideas.

Remejy.Com Planning

I have so many varied experiences in life, that I typically say that I freely learn all but specialize in none. That being said, I really needed to constrain my topic list to one general theme. Lately, much of my side work revolves around the backend of various websites all based upon the WordPress platform. I have created a couple custom themes to upgrade a few sites to mobile friendly and I have created a couple specialized plugins for those sites based upon the client’s needs. I have lately started attending the monthly WordPress Meetups and the last two WordCamps.I really enjoy the platform and think I can offer help to beginners just getting acquainted to WordPress. The topics I had varied from neighborhood issues because of the blockwatch I helped start, driving tips, random thoughts on life and many topic ideas revolved around WordPress and websites. While I am not skilled at creating beautiful websites, I can research and learn the needed skills to translate other graphically inclined people. So, I thought it would be the better choice to narrow my topics to beginner WordPress help. I know there are already many other sites on this topic, so I still need to flush out a niche where I can better fill that is in need but this will come out in time after I get more posts and see what my users gravitate towards solving their pain points.


Coming up with topic ideas should be the fun part of the process. Keep it simple and create as many as possible over at least one week or longer. Review the ideas and narrow down to what you find to be a common theme. Pick something to start with, but keep the ideas handy in case you find the topic just does not work for you or you need something to help overcome the initial “Writer’s Block”

Next Steps > Research similar sites ( estimated publish date 2/2/16 )

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