Ride to Rush KY April 2017

Volume 1, Episode 1 — April 15th, 2017

It was a beautiful day for a ride to Rush Ky to experience the Horse Traders degree at Rush Lodge in Rush KY. I left early to meet up with a brother in Plain City and then we both headed to Xenia to see who else was going along. The message went out to the brethren that the rally point was going to be at Buckminns HD, kickstands up at noon. We picked up one brother from that rally point and headed on out.

I had been watching the weather reports over the days prior, and it was well assured that we would get wet along the way. I packed all my gear, including a new pair rain pants and headed out about 9am. It was dry heading to Plain City, but once there at my brothers house found out that it had briefly down poured a few minutes prior. This was fine by me, as I somehow managed to avoid the rain. We checked radar and found a large storm was just passing through Xenia and heading northeast. We debated skipping the rally point and heading directly south, but we conferred that it would be best to head southwest to Xenia to hopefully miss the rain. We suited up in rain gear and headed out.

About London, I realized I had forgotten to notify the rally point that we were on our way, so we stopped to send a message. Looking to our south we could see the ominous clouds and wondered if indeed we would get wet. We headed out and saw as the storm stayed just east of us as our paths went in separate directions from the storm. Guess we were not going to get involved with this storm.

We made it to Xenia and waited to see if any more brothers were coming. Checked the mileage to the next planned stop and started to wonder if we should stop early to fuel up. The decision was made to let me decide when to stop early by gauging when I had to switch to reserve tank. We made it to the KY border and I still had not reached down to switch tanks. We stopped at a small fuel station and realized that it was a prepay inside pump. I figured I would put in a few dollars to head to the next town instead to do a complete fuel up.

We headed out on another 1.3 gallons added to the tank and about 60 miles to the next stop. A little worrisome for me as to weather I would make it all the way. I knew that i typically get 47 mpg on average highway riding and I had not yet tapped into reserves so I felt assured I could make it to the next stop. The route was pretty hilly and there were a few occasions we throttled it  to pass slower traffic. Not the best of situations when trying to conserve enough fuel to be sure to make a stop.

By the time we got to the next planned stop, I still had not yet hit the reserve! This was truly amazing. In hindsight, I should have just filled the tank and not worried the whole 60 miles about whether or not I would make it. Turns out I had been getting some really good miles per gallon that trip and got lucky. There were some long stretches where there were no signs of fuel stations and it would suck to have to wait on AAA or walk to the next town to get fuel. I filled the tank and we headed to our destination.

All in all, this was a pretty fun ride, great weather and great camaraderie with my brothers. There was a good turn out of Widows Sons to the degree, so we were well represented. There was three of us from Solomons Sevens chapter. I would have like to see more, but it was understandable because it was the day prior to Easter. Frankly, I was surprised so many people did arrive at the lodge to witness or experience the degree work. We had a great meal and the auctions had a few laughs and cheers. This is one great event to attend if you have the chance (assuming you are a Freemason), and the proceeds help to continue the great works the lodge does in the community.

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